Pine Tree
The Pine Tree is the Indian Nations Council’s own junior leader training course and has a long history of developing young leaders. All Scouts First Class and 13 years old are eligible, with their Scoutmaster’s approval.
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT)
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an intensive, week-long camp experience for Scouts, BSA & Venturers (co-ed). Each participant works through a series of indoor and outdoor challenges with the monitoring of highly skilled youth staff members. Participants are equipped with the skills necessary to become leaders in their unit and throughout their everyday lives. NYLT is structured to represent a month in the life of a typical Scouting Unit. Participants with sleep outdoors, prepare meals with their teams, and live by the Scout Oath and Law.
National Advanced Youth Leadership
National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience is an exciting program that enhances leadership skills and expands upon the team-building and ethical decision-making skills learned in National Youth Leadership Training. NAYLE emphasizes leadership, teamwork, and selfless service, using the core elements of NYLT to help youth strengthen these skills. The NAYLE course is now available at all four national high-adventure bases. The material presented is basically the same at all four venues but is specific to the unique environment of each site.
Den Chief Training
The Den Chief who completes this program will be better able to function in the position. This training provides the Den Chief with ideas for carrying out the responsibilities successfully. Offered primarily at the troop and unit level. Click here to learn more.