A Scout leader is entitled to wear the trained leader emblem when he or she has completed some basic but important training courses. Once a direct contact Scout leader is considered fully trained he or she is entitled to wear the Trained Leader patch for the position.
Position-Specific Training Requirements
Leader position-specific training is based on the leader's position. These courses are available online for individualized training and can be held as in-person courses taught by informed trainers who know how to engage groups and make learning fun. In-person courses are offered by the district or council as group training or may be done as small groups or by personal coaching.
If you had a magic wand, would you use it to make the Scouting program better and more fun for youth so they stayed in Scouting longer, so it had a larger impact on their lives? What if the same magic wand made leadership roles easier, more rewarding, and led to better retention among adult leaders? Would using that magic wand be a top priority?
Well, such a magic wand does exist—in the form of the learning programs for leaders in the Boy Scouts of America.

Basic Training Opportunities

Youth Protection
Youth Protection Training is required to be registered in the BSA as an adult volunteer. In the Indian Nations Council, you must renew this training every year prior to your membership renewal date.

Position Specific Training
Specific Training is the “how to” for your role as an adult leader in Scouting. There is a specific training for every registration role in the BSA. Using the My.Scouting online portal you will notice that leaders in the same program will share serval modules with some content being specific for the position they are filling.

Outdoor Skills
Outdoor training doesn’t just cover skills, more importantly it instructs leaders on how to teach and develop outdoor program for or with youth. Scouts BSA scoutmasters are required to have Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) while Cub Packs are required to have at least one adult on every Pack Overnighter that has completed Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO).
Supplemental Training

University of Scouting
University of Scouting is a day of training full of courses that help scouters answer questions not traditionally covered as part of the BSA basic training models such as “how to run a pinewood derby” or “what is a Dutch Oven?” U of S is also a great time to laser target critical parts of your program you may want to work on such as membership or engaging older scouts.

Roundtable is a monthly meeting where the District offers targeted program normally to help units on a timely topic such as re-charter or Webelos Crossover. These meetings are also a great social time to see other adult leaders and talk Scouting outside of the bubble of your own unit.

My.Scouting is of the principal online portal used by unit scouts and scouters with tracking information and rosters. But did you know that the online training portal also has a whole host of additional training beyond just the specific and YPT trainings? If you’re looking for a quick boost to your Scouting knowledge don’t hesitate to log in and check out the online training center.
Check our Council Calendar to see training sessions offered, or contact the Council office for assistance.
Cub Scout Leader Outdoor Experience
Leave No Trace/Outdoor Ethics
New Leader Resources
Shooting Sports
Special Needs Awareness Training for Youth and Adults
Challenge Course & Climbing
Map & Compass
First Aid
Philmont Training Center
Wood Badge
Certified Angling Instructor
Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals.
Scouters from Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters are welcome and belong here.

District Training Chairs
District | Training Chair | Email | Cell Phone |
Redbud | Vacant | ||
Will Rogers | Reuben Edgington | reubenje@gmail.com | 502-618-7095 |
Scissortail | Jason Diaz | Jdvs1@msn.com | 760-596-2440 |
Indian Nations Council Training Resolution
It shall be the policy of the Indian Nations Council that all registered adults in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts/ Varsity Scouts, Venturing, Learning for Life/ Exploring renew their Youth Protection Training (YPT) during the annual re-charter process (October – December for calendar year re-charters) and be Position Specific Trained for their registered position. Beginning with the 2019 re-charter process, both YPT and Position-Specific Training must be completed to remain on the charter and renew membership. To implement this policy, it will be carried out in (3) three phases beginning in 2017:
Phase 1 (2017) – To process a re-charter units will be required to have their Top Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Varsity Coach, Venturing Crew Advisor, Explorer Post Advisor) trained for the position and hold a current Youth Protection Trained certificate. All other registered adults must hold a current Youth Protection Trained certificate to re-charter each year.
Phase 2 (2018) – To process a re-charter units will be required to have their Top Leader trained and hold a current YPT certificate and have all Direct Contact Leaders (Assistant Cubmasters, Den Leaders, Assistant Den Leaders, Assistant Scoutmasters, Assistant Team Coaches, Assistant Crew Advisors, and Assistant Post Advisors) trained. They must also hold a current Youth Protection Trained certificate.
Phase 3 (2019) – To process a re-charter units will be required to have ALL registered leaders (Top Leader, Direct Contact Leaders, Committee Members, and Chartered Organization Representative) trained in their respective position. Additionally, they must hold a current Youth Protection Trained certificate. The Position Specific Training applies to all Merit Badge Counselors, NOVA and SuperNOVA Counselors/Mentors, District Committee Members, Council Committee Members, and Board Members.
All Youth Protection Training must be updated annually to be current. To Re-charter, annual YPT renewal must occur during the re-charter period (October to December) for units with calendar year-end re-charters. Adults registering during the first nine months of the year are required to take Youth Protection upon registration but will need to retake YPT training to re-charter. A person will be considered “trained” when they have completed Youth Protection Training and Position Specific Training for the position in which they are registering or re-chartering. They do not have to complete their position training again unless they change positions within their unit, register/re-charter in multiple positions for which they are not currently position-specific trained, or change programs (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Learning for Life/Exploring).