We know this is a crazy time unlike anything many of us have experienced before, but in that, we have a chance to be creative and think outside the box to see the opportunities before us!
Here are some resources and tools for you to keep #scoutingathome and how you can connect with your unit during this time of social distancing.
Ideas for fun:
Make a video teaching others how to do something you’re really good at
Have a home campout! You can camp in your yard or even in your living room and roast marshmallows over a candle (we recommend non-scented candles)
Record a timelapse video of you completing a project, drawing, anything!
Have a cooking contest with your family using only things you already have at home
Join our quarantine bingo game
Build a fort
Go through your clothes from winter and donate them
Rearrange your room (make sure to donate things you no longer use or need)
Play with our pet
Learn a new game
Make a dance party playlist and crank up the music.
Scouting At Home Resources
For Parents & Leaders
Scouting Mobile App for ScoutBook - Track advancement data no matter where you may be.
Host online meetings for free. Click here for a list of Zoom Instructions, Tutorials, and Training Video Links
Scouting At Home Resources
For Scouts
Over 50 merit badges that can be completed at home
Scouting Mobile App for ScoutBook - Track advancement data no matter where you may be.