Pine Tree
Training Course · May 23 - 26
Bartlett Training Center
Javier Ramirez
Pine Tree 139 Scoutmaster
The Pine Tree is the Indian Nations Council’s own junior leader training course and has a long history of developing young leaders. All Scouts Second Class and 12 years old are eligible, with their Scoutmaster’s approval.
Pine Tree Troop 139 is scheduled to take place from May 23-26 at Mabee Scout Reservation.
Q: What is Pine Tree?
A: Pine Tree is a 4-day, 3-night training course of introductory leadership skills involving basic camping and outdoor skills experience. Scouts come together in a model troop and are placed in designated patrols. Content is delivered in this troop and patrol outdoor setting. In addition, Scouts are instilled with the spirit of Scouting with the hope it is shared with their units upon their return.
Q: Why take Pine Tree?
A: Good leaders are made, not born. Many people have traits or attributes that come naturally to them, or which may develop over time. However, it has been proven over time that leadership courses, mentorship, and experience are among the best ways to develop leadership capabilities. Tomorrow’s leaders, whether in communities, government, education, business, medical, athletics or other areas, are being trained today. Pine Tree is an introductory course in leadership development. Not only is the youth strengthened by taking Pine Tree, but everyone associated with the youth benefits from this training, whether it is the unit, at school, religious institution, sports team, other youth groups or even the family.
Q: Are there requirements to participate?
A: Yes. Youth must be 12 years of age before the course commences, must be a Second-Class Scout, and must be approved by their Scoutmaster. In other words, youth who meet these criteria are encouraged to participate.
Q: What about girls participating?
A: In Scouts BSA, troops are either all-boy or all-girl, never co-ed. Linked troops are an option within the Scouts BSA program and this is the model that Pine Tree uses. Each troop will have its own leadership structure, including two-deep leadership for each troop. Each troop will have a Scoutmaster of 21 years of age and of the same gender as the troop they are leading. An assistant Scoutmaster would also be selected for each troop. A female senior patrol leader will be selected for the girl troop also. Patrol campsites will be set up with male patrols in one area and female patrols in another. Adult staff (consistent with two-deep leadership) will present at all times with tents within visual range and within earshot.
Q: How difficult is it to get into a course?
A: Registration is “first-come, first-served.” Troops used to be limited to sending one participant, but this limitation no longer exists. Troops can now send more than one participant. We encourage any youth interested in participating to register as soon as possible. Scoutmasters are recommended to approve those youth attending as soon as possible to ensure they get a spot. Once the course is fully enrolled, additional registrants will be considered as alternates in the order of their registration.
Q: Is there a special Pine Tree uniform?
A: No. The only requirement is that every Scout has a full and complete official Scouts BSA pants/shorts and shirt uniform, including Scouts BSA socks, belts, hat, and neckerchief. This is officially known as the “field uniform” and is commonly called the “Class A” uniform. Wearing a Scouts BSA t-shirt or Pine Tree course t-shirt with the uniform pants is known officially as the “activity uniform” and is commonly called the “Class B” uniform. Switchback pants may still be worn as part of the field uniform, although they are being phased out. If the switchback pants have a black belt attached or sewn into the waist, it does not have to be removed as it is part of the official pants. All pins or items not permanently affixed to the uniform should be removed prior to arriving. This also includes patches hanging on pocket loops on the right side of the uniform (considered the temporary patch space). In other words, remove anything not sewn onto the uniform. You are not required to remove patches sewn upon the uniform shirt. Temporary patches used in the Pine Tree course will be attached with safety pins.
Prior to the course, a list of equipment, including uniform clothing, will be provided or linked to review. Any questions should be directed to your Scoutmaster.
Q: What does a participant need to bring?
A: There is an equipment list that will be provided to all participants directly or through the link above. If there is an item a participant does not have, it is recommended that it be borrowed instead of purchased, unless the participant wants to purchase it for Pine Tree and other future use. Please talk to your troop or Scoutmaster. There are some items that are “must-haves.” For example, a participant must have a cot to sleep upon. The Pine Tree course does not furnish cots. Rain gear is another “must have.” The Pine Tree course is an outdoor learning and camping experience held regardless of weather conditions. Rain gear is important. Hydration is also very important. Throughout the course, drinks are provided all day. A participant can fill up their water bottle and carry it with them during the day, refilling it when needed. A plastic cup is also recommended, particularly in the patrol setting. It can be carried during the day but water bottles are more practical and can be taken everywhere. A small day pack or book bag-type pack is recommended for use during the day when participants are not at the patrol site. A small pack can hold the water bottle, the course notebook, cup, rain gear, and other personal items when attending sessions. This is highly recommended.
Shower facilities are provided and participants are encouraged to use them. Sometimes showers get backed–up, so a pack of wet wipes is recommended that can be used to cleanse a face and hands of grime. Check the weather forecast also. Cold weather is no fun and detracts from learning if a participant is cold. Bring a warm coat if the weather may be cool or cold. Dressing in layers is highly recommended. Finally, do not forget insect repellent. Pine Tree is conducted in an outdoor setting and ticks are prevalent in this setting.
Q: What about health forms, medicines, and medical issues?
A: There are several questions here to be addressed, starting with the Annual Health and Medical Record (“AHMR”) . All participants (including staff) must compete in Parts A, B1, B2, and C. Part C (the Pre-Participation Physical) is required for participation in Pine Tree because it lasts longer than 72 hours. This is required by Scouting America. Generally, participants are heading to summer camp or High Adventure, or have returned from such activities, which all require a pre-participation physical during an annual exam performed by a licensed healthcare provider.
Any medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, should be listed in Part B2. Any medications should be brought in sufficient quantities and in the original containers.
Upon arrival, each participant will be checked-in. Check-in will include a review of the AMHR by the Pine Tree health officer as to medical conditions, treatment plans such as ongoing medications, and restrictions that may alter participation in Pine Tree. The health officer may also ask if there have been any changes to the AMHR if it was issued months earlier. All AHMRs shall be secured to maintain the confidentiality of the information, yet at the same time, the forms should be accessible to the health officer and Pine Tree’s adult staff in an emergency. All AMHRs shall be returned at the end of the Pine Tree course. AMHRs shall not be copied, digitized, or stored electronically.
The health officer shall be on-site during the course to deal with any medical issue, ranging from minor cuts or scrapes to unlikely emergency room treatment. In the event of an emergency requiring treatment beyond minor care provided on-site, emergency contacts listed in Part B1 will be promptly notified.
Q: When does the course start?
A: Regardless of the location of the Pine Tree course, participants need to plan to drive, park and arrive by 4:00 p.m. on the first or opening day. Any arrival after 4:30 p.m. shall be treated as a “no show” and the late arriving participant’s slot shall be offered to an alternate. Please do not arrive late. The registration fee of any late arrival shall be refunded except for ten percent (10%) retained as an administrative fee.
Generally, Pine Tree courses are conducted at the Bartlett Training Center or on the Garland side of the Mabee Scout Reservation. It is about a one-hour drive from Tulsa.
Q: Can parents visit?
A: It is the policy of Scouting America that there are no closed activities or events. In other words, full transparency is promoted, so parents can visit. However, it is highly difficult for a Pine Tree course to have any visitors, including parents, visit for many reasons. Foremost among the reasons is Scouting America youth protection policy designed to protect youth. A visiting adult will have to be escorted by an adult staff member who may be engaged in other responsibilities. Plus, at any given time, the youth may be attending sessions or in transit between sessions, such that the exact location is not known. Accordingly, visitations by parents are discouraged. However, at the closing session on the last day, parents and others are encouraged to attend the graduation ceremony. The closing ceremony commences at 3:00 p.m., so plan to arrive any time after 2:00 p.m. Folding or camp chairs are recommended, along with water bottles or cups (water is furnished). There will be photo opportunities, Each participant must check out in order to receive a completion certificate. Each participant’s gear will be packed and assembled near the check-out area.
Q: What about severe weather?
A: Each Pine Tree course monitors the weather throughout the course, including long and short-range forecasts. In the event of potential severe weather, each course has a safety plan for the participants and staff, including both shelter and evacuation to safety. Local police and sheriff's department, and other first responders, are contacted in advance of each course so that these first responders are aware that 75 to 100 people are at the Pine Tree Course.
Q: How does a participant get on junior staff?
A: Sign-up sheets frequently get misplaced, or so it seems, so participants interested in being on staff need to send an email to pinetree@okscouts.org. Participants are also encouraged to introduce themselves to the First Assistant Scoutmaster of a course. All participants who submit their names at pinetree@okscouts.org shall be asked to complete an application with a follow-up interview. From this pool of interested participants, the junior staff is selected. To be on staff is considered a great honor. In a full Pine Tree course, there are only eleven youth leadership roles, and the SPL roles are always filled by a returning staff member.